The 17th / 18th March was very quiet on the road racing calendar, but a couple of off-road events have still managed to keep the Harriers out of mischief!
On the Saturday, over at Killerton House, just past Broadclyst near Exeter, Adam Miller continued to knock out yet another solid 5km performance. Adam has been placed well inside the top ten of finishers - and often in the top 3 - at the Weekly Saturday morning 'Park Run' event, which are attended by anything of up to over a hundred runners. On "5th February, for example, Adam was 2nd in 18:18.
In recent weeks he has been joined by fellow Exmouth Harriers Jon Garrity (an over 40 male veteran who was 3rd overall on 10th March in 19:39), Les Turner (MV60, 60th in 28:22 on 10th march), Roger Rowe (MV65, 8th overall in 21:19 on 3rd March) and Dave Eveleigh (MV55, 27th overall in 22:44)- all running respectable times on a course that can be a little challenging when wet, although it is overall downhill. Adam and Roger have recently taken a week off racing to act as volunteer race officials. Thanks to people like them the event costs nothing to enter and details can be found online at: http://www.parkrun.org.uk/killerton/
On Sunday 18th March Jamie Palmer was on his own in upholding the true Harrier tradition when he raced in the final Westward Cross Country League event at Plymouth. Out of almost 100 finishers Jamie was 16th and in his over 40 age group took 3rd place. This was the last event in the series and as Jamie has competed in enough events to count towards the series total, he'll be hoping to be placed highly overall in his category.
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