On Sunday 25th March 2012 a host of members of the Exmouth Harriers AAC assisted Emma Dupain who organised this year’s Sport Relief event for the local area. This charity event was staged over distances of one, three or six miles all completed along Exmouth’s glorious promenade.
The maximum number of two hundred and fifty people who signed on the Sport Relief website, along with twenty two on the day entrants, turned up to walk, jog, run or - in the case of one individual - to pogo, their sponsored distance in the warm early spring sunshine.
Despite the clocks going forward one hour to British Summer Time everyone turned up bright eyed and raring to go for the 10.30 am start from Orcombe Point. As the entrants made their way towards the new lifeboat station they were met by the lament of bagpipe tunes provided by the Harrier’s own John Goss-Custard. The mile competitors turned at a point just beyond the building, whereas the three milers turned close to the Grove public house. Those opting for the six mile distance were required to complete 2 complete circuits of this latter 3 mile course twice, therefore experiencing the sounds of John’s pipes four times in total!
The sponsored entrants ranged through the whole age spectrum from those babes in buggies, accompanied by parents, children barely able to walk to senior citizens and many sported a variety of clothing.
After completing their selected distance all participants were greeted by Emma and her team who handed out the finisher’s medals and a welcoming bottle of water.
Apart from the monies raised through sponsorship a large amount of cash was deposited, by the generous visitors to the beach, into buckets carried along the six mile distance by members of the Exmouth Harriers. After expending many calories pacing the promenade the entrants replenished their losses from the delicious display of cakes made by members of the Dupain family, overseen by Beth Merry who was in charge of the donations.
A beautiful spring morning saw much money being raised for the Sport Relief charity and hopefully no matter what the sum raised it can be bettered next year by increasing the maximum number of website entrants. Even though we are currently experiencing financially austere times it is good to see the people of Exmouth out giving their time and money in the aid of good causes.
Well done and a big thanks to Emma and the Dupain clan for devoting so much time and energy into ensuring that the event was a success and of course a big well done to all the participants who gave up a leisurely Sunday morning on the beach to raise money for good causes.

Stan and Roger get into the Sport Relief spirit!

Nic and daughter Hattie Musgrove make their way along the sea front in the hot weather.
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