Exe-rated runners!

Exe-rated runners!
The successful Harriers team, en masse, at the Erme Valley Relays, July 2013

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Fantastic business / advertising opportunity!

Do you have a business?

Do you have a family member or friend who has a business?

Would you (or them) like to take advantage of a very cheap but effective advertising opportunity?

Read on...

Exmouth Harriers are producing a year book that will be distributed to all members at the end of year dinner and dance and awards ceremony. In addition to information about the club, its members - past and present - and their achievments, some pages will be kept free for people wishing to place business adverts. By keeping the production costs of the book low, it means that we are able to offer advertising slots at a VERY reasonable price. We estimate that a full A5 page colour advert would cost you £10 and a full page black/white advert being a snip at £5. In addition to this we would ask for an additional £5 donation to help with the printing and production costs of the book.

As we will not be charging members for the book, advertising revenue is our only way of funding the project, so please, if you have or know someone who has a business, enourage them to take advantage of this great opportunity that will also be helping the Harriers!

At the moment we are not looking to take money but just a pledge to purchase an advertising slot. If you are interested and would like to take up the offer, please see Dave Eveleigh.


1 comment:

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