Exe-rated runners!

Exe-rated runners!
The successful Harriers team, en masse, at the Erme Valley Relays, July 2013

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Welcome to Exe-rated - the new blog for the Exmouth Harrier's running club

Welcome to this, the new-look blog for the Exmouth Harriers. Firstly, a great many thanks to Roger Rowe who managed the previous Exmouth Harrier's blog for many many years and whose contributions and updates were always eagerly awaited by members. I hope to continue that trend here and to do so I need you, fellow Harriers, to share all your news, race reports and stories etc. with me. Working alongside Dave Eveleigh, our press officer, we plan to keep you updated on all Harrier news and performances and we hope that this blog may catch the attention of other runners in the Exmouth area who may be considering joining the club - so spread the word!

If you are one of those people who have possibly seen a bunch of illuminous-yellow clad runners pounding the pavements and promendade of Exmouth and you are interested to know more, then don't be shy! We are a small, friendly bunch who welcome new runners of any ability. If you would like to know more you can visit our website:

On there you will find details of our training times and who to contact to find out more.
That's all for this first post, but stay tuned and keep checking the site for regular postings, exciting reports, monthly round-ups, member news and more!

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